Thursday, July 9, 2009

Girly Love

I love handmade.
I could spend hours on Etsy discovering beautiful handmade things. To just dream about how it would feel to wear this:

Who wouldn't love to wear this?
Just put it on and feel like a princess...
be transported to a world full of luxury, and pampering...
no thoughts of dishes or housework...
How fabulous is this one?

I can dream about it.

Rebecca3030 is one of my newly discovered,
favorite places to drool.
Where are your favorite places to drool?
I want to know.


  1. these are beautiful pieces here. I mainly drool over cottage style gardening blogs and now decorations for the cabing look.

  2. I love etsy! I could spend enormous amounts of money there!


My Grandmother always told me, "If you hang around with skunks, you're gonna get some stink on you."