Thursday, January 13, 2011

Guess ~

~ WHO?

Little Bity !
The Blur above just could NOT

Yes I know it's January.  But life was just too hectic to get this posted back in December...
and I don't want you to miss a thing!

So... our elementary school put on a production of...
you guessed it...

Sugar Sweet was SOOOO excited to be a narrator.

Yes, I am partial...
but I do believe she was the cutest little Who in Whoville!

Of course I made the ensemble, with all the trimmings.

That big smile there...
That's the good stuff.
Isn't she sweet?


  1. Love, love, love ALL the photos! And that little girl of yours is just tooooo cute!

    Take care, Sue

  2. The sweetest little who in whoville for sure.
    Love you sweetpea

  3. Oh, she really is the cutest 'Who' in Whooville! That's a precious costume, but she is just a beautiful young lady. I know you are proud of her, T!


    Sheila :-)


My Grandmother always told me, "If you hang around with skunks, you're gonna get some stink on you."