Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Christmas Ornament Swap

Missy Hollenbeck has received her gift, and I can hardly wait to show you.

I had so much fun with this swap ! My first. Thank you Jo-Anne at http://jo-anne-thecarterclan.blogspot.com/ for hosting it. I decided to make for Missy these French Beaded Flowers in a Victorian style Tussie Mussie. I had always loved the french beaded flowers and wanted to learn how to make them. This was a perfect opportunity. And besides, I love working with beads.

There were 6 flowers. There were 4 four petaled flowers representing her 4 beautiful girls. And 2 five petaled flowers for Missy and her DH. I then made the "tussie mussie" of black velvet, lined in gold velvet, and stitched an H (for Hollenbeck) on the front with a hand embroidery around it. Missy does beautiful embroidery on her heirloom gowns. Check it out over at http://fairychildheirlooms.com/
This was so much fun.
I think I am going to post a tutorial for the French Beaded Flowers in the next few days, if any of you would like to learn how to make these.
I added some vintage lace and trims in Missy's package.
I can hardly wait to see what she does with them!

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My Grandmother always told me, "If you hang around with skunks, you're gonna get some stink on you."